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Amun has support for lambda expression with explicit and implicit capture

Lambda Expression

Lambda expression start with { and end with } similer to block statement but with extra () T -> to declare the parameters and return types

for example to create lambda expression that take two integers and return the sum you can write it like this

var sum_lambda = { (x int64, y int64) ->
    return x + y;

var result = sum_lambda(1, 1);

If your lambda has no explicit parameters and return void Amun has syntax sugger for this case for example

var hello = {
    printf("Hello, World!");


You can also call the lambda directly for example

var one = { () int64 -> return 1; }();

lambda outside parentheses

In Amun if your function call last parameter type is lambda you can write it outside the parentheses for example

fun do(callback *() void) void {

fun main() int64 {
    do() {
        printf("Hello, World!");
    return 0;