SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) instruction is a type of computer instruction that allows a single instruction to operate on multiple pieces of data in parallel. SIMD instructions are used to perform repetitive calculations on large amounts of data, such as those found in multimedia applications, scientific simulations, and data processing tasks.
SIMD instructions provide a powerful tool for accelerating certain types of computations in a wide range of applications, and their support by modern CPUs and programming languages has made them increasingly accessible to developers.
In Amun you can take the advantage of SIMD concept using the Vector type for example you can apply Arithmetic, Comparions, Logical operators like any other permittive
Declaring Vector type
Vector type is almost the same as Static Size Array type but prefixed with @vec, but note that vector type supports only unsigned integers and floats only and you can't create multi dimentions vector.
var u8_vec : @vec[3]uint8 = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
var u16_vec : @vec[3]uint16 = @vec[1_u16, 2_u16, 3_u16];
var u32_vec : @vec[3]uint32 = @vec[1_u32, 2_u32, 3_u32];
var u64_vec : @vec[3]uint64 = @vec[1_u64, 2_u64, 3_u64];
var f32_vec : @vec[3]float32 = @vec[1_f32, 2_f32, 3_f32];
var f64_vec : @vec[3]float64 = @vec[1_f64, 2_f64, 3_f64];
Count attribute for Vector type
In Amun you can easily get the length of the vector like array or string using count
var u8_vec : @vec[3]uint8 = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
var length = u8_vec.count;
For each on Vector type
In Amun you can iterate over vector type like array or string
var vec = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
for (vec) {
printf("vec[%d] = %u\t", it_index, it);
Arithmetic Operators
You can easily apply any Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, %) on vector type without operator overloaing function
var v1 = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
var v2 = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
var plus = v1 + v2;
var minus = v1 - v2;
var star = v1 * v2;
var slash = v1 / v2;
var rem = v1 % v2;
Comparisons Operators
You can easily apply any Comparions Operators (==, !=, >, >=, <, <=) on vector type without operator overloaing function
var v1 = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
var v2 = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
printf("v1 == v2 %d\n", v1 == v2);
printf("v1 != v2 %d\n", v1 != v2);
printf("v1 > v2 %d\n", v1 > v2);
printf("v1 >= v2 %d\n", v1 >= v2);
printf("v1 < v2 %d\n", v1 < v2);
printf("v1 <= v2 %d\n", v1 <= v2);
Bitwise Operators
You can easily apply any Bitwise Operators (|, &, ^, <<, >>) on vector type without operator overloaing function
var v1 = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
var v2 = @vec[1_u8, 2_u8, 3_u8];
var vec_or = v1 | v2;
var vec_and = v1 & v2;
var vec_xor = v1 ^ v2;
var vec_lsh = v1 << v2;
var vec_rsh = v1 >> v2;